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Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi

Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
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399,00 EUR
Product no.: QFMG 4

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This coelacanth Whiteia woodwardi comes from the layers of the Lower Triassic 
(Bed 5, Sankamena Formation).It was found in Beroroha, Madagascar.

The fish is about 28 cm long. The nodule was broken and have been glued, it measures about 
28 x 12 x 1 cm.
The stone was reinforced on the back with a fiberglass mat and epoxy resin to 
stabilize the fossil professionally.

Large specimen of this "living fossil".
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi
Coelacanth, Whiteia woodwardi